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How to File for Divorce in Indiana

Divorce is one of life’s greatest stressors, 这个过程往往看起来令人困惑和复杂, especially if there are issues such as shared children, homes, and assets involved or grounds for contention. Even if you and your spouse agree on most issues, 你需要确保一切都符合印第安纳州的法律, including meeting residency requirements, filling out and filing required forms, 处理问题,解决过程中可能出现的任何问题. While it is important to know how to file for divorce, 在离婚过程中犯错误会让你付出高昂的代价,也会让你无法及时完成离婚. That is why it can be ...

What Is Considered an Asset in Divorce?

婚姻结束后,通常会出现无数的问题. 很多夫妻问我们律师的第一个问题是, “What exactly are considered assets in a divorce?” In Indiana, 在离婚协议中,任何财产都被视为财产, regardless of how it was obtained. 因为印第安纳州不属于共同财产州, 你的任何财产都不会被视为共同财产. Divorce usually results in a 50/50 division of assets, 但在某些情况下可能会导致分配不均, depending on various contributing factors. What Are Considered Assets in a Divorce Settlement? 共同所有权适用于任何和所有资产,包括 ...

Do All Assets Have to Pass through Probate?

当资产持有人去世时,一些资产通过遗嘱认证. However, not all assets must be forced into probate. 有时遗嘱并不是确保你的财产有效地传递给你所爱的人的理想机制. 我们概述了您需要了解的有关遗嘱认证过程及其对您资产的影响的一切. What Is Probate? 遗嘱认证是一个法律程序的名称,在有资产的人去世后启动. 法院分析死者的遗产,并监督遗产资产向新所有者的转移. Probate can occur with or without a will. 但是,如果涉及遗嘱,其效力也被确定. During probate, the court names an executor o ...

What Happens to a Trust After Divorce?

离婚影响的不仅仅是你的孩子和配偶. It may also impact your estate plan. Before or during your marriage, 你可能需要修改你的遗嘱,甚至分割你的信托和资产, preferably with an estate planning attorney. But what happens to a trust when you divorce? 记住,信任有很多好处. It can protect assets from taxes and other issues; however, some issues may arise if you plan to get a divorce. 了解你的权利和有关信托财产分割的法律是有帮助的. 使用律师的bet9九州体育登录将确保你在信托和资产划分方面做出正确的决定. How Does the Court Cla ...

Does It Matter Who Files for Divorce First?

Indiana is a "no-fault" state, 这意味着你不需要对你的配偶提出任何指控来申请离婚. When you file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, 你只需声明你们的婚姻已经不可挽回地破裂了. 因此,从表面上看,谁先提出离婚并不重要. Even when both spouses want to divorce, 当你开始人生的新篇章时,这可能是一个可怕的时刻. And, you have several unknowns ahead of you, such as how long the divorce process takes, 你的配偶是否会就财产分配发生争执, visitation, and support, and other factors you now have to deal with. Our divorce lawyers can help you through the entire ...

Is probate needed if there is a will?

当你问自己的时候,有几件事要记住, “Is probate needed if there is a will?” In some cases, you may not be able to avoid probate altogether, 但你当然可以保护一些资产免于遗嘱认证,并简化遗嘱认证的过程. 只有死者以自己的名义拥有的资产才需要进行遗嘱认证. 所有其他资产在没有遗嘱认证法庭监督的情况下转移给受益人. For example, placing assets in a trust – such as real estate, belongings, 以及其他有价值的物品-是一种防止这些物品成为遗嘱认证的一部分的方法. In another example, making bank accounts “pa ...

Avoiding probate in Indiana

你可以给你所爱的人最好的礼物之一就是为你的家人特别设计的遗产计划. 当你花时间和我们的遗产规划律师谈谈的时候, you can proactively explore a will, power of attorney, 信任和其他将为你所爱的人bet9九州体育登录几十年的文件. 在印第安纳州,遗产计划也是避免遗嘱认证的关键. The time to think about estate planning is now, 当你身体健康,有时间和你的继承人讨论你的遗产决定时. 人们想要避免遗嘱认证的原因有很多——它可能很长, expensive, and stressful for surviving family members. 通过几个简单的步骤,您可以将……的影响降到最低 ...

How do I spend down assets for Medicaid?

许多老年人在晚年发现他们需要长期护理, whether in-home, in the community or in a nursing home. To be eligible for Medicaid long-term care benefits, 个人必须符合一定的国家收入和资产准则. 就像税法一样,医疗补助法也充满了规则的例外. On average in Kentucky and Indiana, with the help of a Medicaid planning attorney, 已婚夫妇将存下95%至100%的资产,并为无行为能力的配偶领取长期护理福利. For a single person, 家庭通常可以将年迈父母至少50%的资产存起来,并获得长期护理福利. With advanced planning, a single person ...

What Happens If There Is No Will in Indiana?

人们经常推迟写遗嘱,要么是因为他们太忙,要么是因为他们不喜欢考虑生命终结的问题. But postponing a will is not a good idea. 它会在你去世后给你爱的人带来困惑、花费和延误. 在印第安纳州,有人死时没有留下遗嘱,这被称为“无遗嘱继承”.” It’s a complicated legal term, so the better way to think of it is by asking, “What happens if there is no will in Indiana?“如果你在印第安纳州去世时没有留下遗嘱,你的财产将传给你最亲近的亲属. 这些资产只包括根据印第安纳州的无遗嘱法将通过遗嘱传递的项目 ...

What Legal Rights Does a Non-Custodial Parent Have?

虽然离婚很困难,而且常常令人难以置信地情绪化, 它的影响远远超出了两个不再希望结婚的成年人的分离. 当涉及未成年子女时,必须做出监护权的决定. 决定是根据儿童的最大利益作出的. 除非父母中有可能危及孩子的严重问题, 法院通常支持父母双方共同抚养孩子. Most often, parents share custody in Indiana. 与孩子相处时间较多的父母通常被认为是监护父母. The other parent is the non-custodial parent. The term “non-custodial” can be confusing. It might lead some no ...

How to File for Divorce in Indiana

Divorce is one of life’s greatest stressors, 这个过程往往看起来令人困惑和复杂, especially if there are issues such as shared children, homes, and assets involved or grounds for contention. Even if you and your spouse agree on most issues, 你需要确保一切都符合印第安纳州的法律, including meeting residency requirements, filling out and fi[...]